Environmental education

Una initiativa de Fundación MarVivo

Environmental education is a process that allows environmental education people explore environmental issues, participate in problem solving, and take action to improve the environment. The MarVivo Foundation’s environmental education programs are designed to develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues, so that the next generation of environmental managers have the skills to make their own informed and responsible environmental decisions.

The principles of environmental education of Fundación MarVivo:

  • Improve awareness of local environmental challenges
  • Increase understanding of the local environment.
  • Create motivation to improve environmental quality
  • Develop skills to identify and solve environmental challenges.
  • Provide opportunities for participation in the resolution of environmental challenges.

“Many of the locals do not know in person the great biodiversity that surrounds them, so these activities in the field with the little ones means in many cases, in their first encounter with animals such as the gray whale”

Ce Acatl Arce Peinado (Community Manager)

Environmental activities offered by Fundación MarVivo:


Community Science Program

Students gain hands-on experience with the turtle and gray whale monitoring program by assisting with data collection.


Arts and Crafts

Fun arts and crafts activities engage students to reuse waste products.


Mangrove cleanups

Cleaning up garbage in mangroves will raise awareness of local environmental challenges.


Environmental Talks

Educational talks on local environmental challenges create knowledge and understanding for students to apply when making environmental decisions.


Swimming lessons

Swimming lessons provide opportunities for students to gain confidence in the ocean and explore their own backyard.

The local economic development of the neighboring communities of Magdalena Bay cannot be achieved with the exclusive participation of a single sector, institution or guild, but, on the contrary, requires the participation of various actors, who must assume a role of transformers of their own reality in the economic field, to ensure greater efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility of operation, incorporating new forms of organization away from bureaucratism and close to the territory.

Environmental education does not advocate a particular point of view or course of action. Rather, environmental education teaches people how to weigh the various aspects of a problem through critical thinking and improves their own problem-solving and decision-making skills.

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