MarVivo Foundation is pleased to present the first Art Contest 2022, Todos Vivimos de los Manglares. The MarVivo Foundation aims to raise awareness, through art, about the vital role our mangroves play in coastal communities and the rich marine life around Baja California Sur.

Winner Announcement:

We are pleased to announce our winner Perla Yazmin Lopez Rodelo in the art contest “Todos Vivimos de los Manglares” with her work entitled “Vida

“My work gives to express that the mangroves are life, they are the refuge, food and nesting like a baby in the lap of its mother”

— Pearl Yazmin Lopez Rodelo


We thank all participants for their interest in this art contest that aims to raise awareness, through art, about the vital role our mangroves play in coastal communities and the rich marine life around Baja California Sur. Thank you all!

About the contest

All age groups are welcome to create a two-dimensional artwork that illustrates the theme’s message: We All Live from Mangroves. Contestants may use any media or combination of media as long as the artwork meets the size requirements designated in the guidelines.

Thank you to everyone who came in!

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