Community Projects

Fundación Marvivo is leveraging the innovation of preservation models to support initiatives and ventures to promote the sustainable use of ecosystems. We strive to build trust and enthusiasm among ALL stakeholders through mutual respect, full transparency, capacity building, and the exchange and transfer of open and mutual knowledge.

The Community of Magdalena Bay is one of the main direct stakeholders and beneficiary of all the Projects of the MarVivo Foundation.

Marvivo Foundation relies heavily on community learning. Without participatory learning, it cannot improve our lives or theirs effectively, nor make us effective stewards of nature.

(click image for a larger view)

Community Initiatives in Magdalena Bay


Fundación MarVivo Iniciativa

Empower community members with the technical understanding to monitor endangered turtle and gray whale populations.


Fundación MarVivo Iniciativa

Collaboration in the monitoring and environmental education of Turtles and Whales in Magdalena Bay

We All Live From Mangroves

Fundación MarVivo Iniciativa

We raise awareness of the importance of mangrove ecosystems through a series of art competitions involving local students and regional artists.

Paving with Shells

Fundación MarVivo Iniciativa

We improve mangrove health and street infrastructure using discarded clam shells as material.

Sterilization of Dogs

Iniciativa colaborativa

We improved the management of the stray dog population through a sterilization program. This initiative will reduce the risk of disease transmission to humans.

English Classes

Fundación MarVivo Iniciativa

To improve the quality of the ecotourism product and provide opportunities for young people, Fundación MarVivo is teaching weekly English classes.

The power of synergy

Local economic development or regional development is a process of growth and structural change that through the utilization of existing development potential in the territory leads to raising the well-being of the population of a locality or region.

Questions About Our Projects or Interested in Getting Involved?