Canine sterilization

Iniciativa colaborativa

The stray dog population in Puerto San Carlos it’s out of control. Sterilization is the most effective way to control the population and stop the spread of disease. By addressing overpopulation and preventing more stray dogs from joining the fold, the program improves the well-being of stray dogs. Sterilization prevents suffering, prolongs the life of females and reduces fights and subsequent injuries in males.

Benefits of sterilization:

  • Fewer unwanted litters. Animals can no longer reproduce or multiply, so the population of stray animals eventually declines.
  • Fewer fights. Fights over territorial boundaries are common where food and shelter sources are limited. By giving birth to fewer litters, competition for food and shelter is reduced and there is an overall improvement in the quality of life of the animal.
  • Improved Health. Repeated pregnancy affects the female body, and animals that breed each season experience a reduction in overall health. Sterilization of females reduces the incidence of breast cancer, eliminates the risk of ovarian cancer and uterine infections and sexually transmitted diseases (such as venereal tumors).
  • Stabilization of numbers. As dogs are territorial by nature, returning sterilized dogs to their own territory prevents other dogs from “moving.”
  • Less annoying behavior. Sterilizing animals eliminates the desire to find a mate. This means fewer animals wandering around in traffic; chasing or biting people or their pets while protecting a litter; or unintentionally spread pests and diseases.

The implementation of sustainable spay and neuter programs is one of the critical elements in addressing canine and feline populations that have exceeded the capacity of the local community to care for them properly.

The program is a collaboration between the community, volunteer veterinarians, private donors and the MarVivo Foundation. To date, the program has treated more than 250 dogs.

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